I blame mom for bringing home those addictive GLEE episodes on DVD! haha; I've been moving my cakes to the living room where she watches TV till weee hours of the morning.
I admit; it's difficult to not to fall in love with GLEE! haha This was one of my very favourite clips.
Just in the next couple of coming weeks; I'm going to be going out of my mind. Why? Haha I've got some secrets up my sleeves. *teehee*
I remember years ago; as a teenager... there were moments where dreams of being a pastry chef and having a cake studio seemed unreachable or unrealistic.. I'd humm this to myself. The lyrics transported my mind to a place where nothing was impossible. It reminded me that the world is so much bigger than what meets my little eyes. This song kept me company through my roughest periods and made me realise that there was always going to be a tune to cheer myself up. I've got a theory that music helps heal and sooth all emotional wounds... I still believe this very much.
Well... cuddly toys too of course. I love cuddly toys.. haha I've got a feeling I'm good at making them out of sugar because of the many toys I own since I was a little girl. *shrug*
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