An adventure begins in the morning.
*JUMPS AROUND with excitement!!!*
Kay... I'm not exactly ready for our Treats products to be out 100% at this point; but it's the first day of business at 10am tomorrow. Have got no option! The 15th is HERE!
We're gonna have some of our most popular items out first and the newbies will join us gradually in the next couple of days.
The Treats store looks awesome! I'm so happy with it! I have my dad and sis to thank for organizing the construction of it; and of course; the carpenters and contractors who worked through the nights to make it all happen in 5 days! *phew*...It wasn't easy and there were of course many bumps in the road; but *shrug* needn't talk about it anymore! haha THE SHOP IS BEAUTIFUL! YAYYyyy~!!
I'm going to bed now.. I have to be up early early to help get the Delectable stuff out super fresh!
I probably have to count 10000 sheep before this excitement wears off... teehee*
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